I'm having one of those nights. Maybe it's the huge bag of jelly beans on my table, or the bottle of diet pepsi I drank today, or maybe that pink lemonade I decided to buy at the grocery store, but whatever it is I AM HYPER. It's one of those nights when I want to jump up and down and dance and shout to the Lord and giggle and cry until my neigh
bours complain and my cat Whiskey gives me a look of disapproval.

But instead I need to work. So here's the thing, I'm going to work hard with a smile on my face, knowing that even the densest of readings can't ruin this mood.
Things I did today:
Watched some episodes of Everwood,
Went to lectures and Child Health small groups
Went grocery shopping (got pink lemonade)
Went to Christian Meds and Dents worship meeting
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