Today I cleaned my room. It was starting to look like a crazy person's garage. I literally had to climb over garbage to get to my bed. The city of London called, they wanted their dump back.
So after 8 (8!) bags of trash my room now looks like something a remotely sane person would live in.
Ok I admit. I have a hard time throwing stuff out. I think I might have whatever disorder the people from "Hoarders" have. Here are some interesting finds during my first and only room cleaning since the summer:
1. A housecoat from 10 years ago that I have never worn once while in this house
2. 4 grocery bags filled with yarn
3. My prescription for glasses (I've been looking for this forever)
4. At least $15 worth of change
5. A bag on uneaten cookies from at least 8 months ago
You know I actually really like having a clean room. It is nice to have one thing be organized when everything else in your life is a mess!
good for you!!! must feel good!!